The experts at CommunityMD consider every component of your health, from head to toe. Providing exceptional foot care at each of our centers within the Atlanta metropolitan area, CommunityMD provides exceptional foot care services. Let the team at CommunityMD support your health, just as your feet support you. Call one of three local offices today or schedule an appointment through the online portal.
request an appointmentWhat is foot care?
Good foot health is essential to daily activity and function, so attending to your foot care is important. Your feet consist of several muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones that allow for complex movement. Walking, running, jumping, leaning, and balance are all activities of daily living that require healthy feet.
Your foot health is indicative of your overall health. Foot care aids in maintaining and preventing various chronic conditions. Excessive swelling is a sign of kidney and heart disease, while severe numbness may point to early signs of diabetes. It is essential to monitor the health of your feet as you would any other part of the body.
Common ailments of the feet include fractures, infection, and arthritis. More specifically, conditions such as tendonitis and damage to the Achilles heel regularly impair foot health.
How do you promote proper foot care?
Keep your feet clean and dry to promote proper foot care. Trim your nails regularly to avoid dirt build-up underneath. Additionally, never walk around barefoot in public spaces, and always wear shoes when possible. Proper fitting shoes ensure mobility without causing damage, and as with any skin care regimen, your feet benefit from staying moisturized, too.
What foot care treatments help your feet?
Laser treatment is a standard therapy for treating chronic foot pain. Laser therapy reduces inflammation and eliminates pain when other treatments have been unsuccessful. The treatment uses light as a non-invasive means to promote foot health. After a foot care laser treatment, your blood flow and cell activity increase, which encourages your body’s healing response.
Laser treatment for foot care is FDA-approved and regulated. It is an effective way to provide pain relief associated with several conditions, such as:
- Sport injury
- Arthritis
- Tendonitis
- Achilles injury
- Fractures
Additionally, our feet possess a high risk of fungal infection because feet come into contact with unsanitary surfaces. While an infected toe is initially harmless, if left to progress, it can become painful. Antifungal medication is the first line of defense in fungal toenail treatments. In more severe cases, the toenail may need to be removed.
To discuss which foot care treatment options are right for you, schedule an appointment online or call one of our local offices today.